Parents frequently raise issues about schools denying access or failing to accomodate students who need support to participate in non-academic parts of the school experience including field trips. Frequently, children who require aides during the school day are told that staff is not available for after school activities, thus resulting in their exclusion from these school-sponsored events. Similarly, parents of children with disabilities are often told that unless they accompany their child on field trips, the child cannot attend. (I have experienced this situation many times during my son's time in school) Some students who require nursing care during their school day as part of their IEP are also excluded from after school activities or field trips unless a parent accompanies the student or serves as the nurse. In the event of a nurse's absence during the school day, some of these parents are even told that they are responsible for providing nursing care or the student will need to stay home that day. These situations are predictable and schools need to make plans or they may be in violation of the law. In fact, the Office of Civil Rights of the Department of Education (OCR), which oversees and investigates discrimination complaints involving the rights of students with special needs in schools, found that the above listed incidents were in fact 504 violations—either of failure to provide access or denial of FAPE.
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