While I do not represent families through the maze of social security benefits, it is an important issue that needs to be a factor in transition planning. Navigating the world of such social security entitlement programs as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a byzantine process for parents of children and adults with disabilities. It is challenging even for sophisticated or highly educated parents and requires tremendous amounts of time, patience, and fortitude. Yet, parents shouldn’t have to re-invent wheels as they enter this labyrinth and try to comprehend the variety of regulations that may or may not apply to their child. School IEP teams can provide a tremendous amount of support to both the student and the family by developing meaningful transition plans and goals that help shepherd the family through the process. In particular, schools must be actively involved early in the transition process in identifying and assisting students who are or may become eligible for SSI or SSDI.
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