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April 11, 2012


B. F.

It says, "About half of all accommodations are requested by students who have learning disabilities. According to the Times 2010 article, these students, however, represent only a small percentage of students taking the ACT (nearly 4%) or the SAT (about 2%)."

I'm puzzled if that means the other half of accommodations are requested by students who have legitimate conditions that are not categorized as specific learning disabilities on an IEP (ie, blindness) OR if it's saying that the other half of accommodations are requested by students who really don't have disabilities at all? If the latter is true, it's no wonder the test taking companies still initially reject so many applicants. (We had to appeal twice in order for my son to be granted extended time on the ACT. He has ADHD and SLD's in reading and written expression, which were diagnosed in elementary school. The difficulty seemed to be that he was attending a non-public high school and didn't have a current IEP, although he did have the equivalent of a 504Plan. From what I've heard in talking to other parents, those students who are in public high schools usually have their accommodation requests approved without difficulty.)

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