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April 27, 2012



How do we create this collaboration between the districts and correctional facilities? I have had a student incarcerated twice this year and would have loved some support from her facility. It is difficult as the teacher to create that smooth transition back into the community.


I am an active member of a Community Advisory Committee for Special Education. I learned from my district that they are now responsible for providing services to youth who are in correctional youth facilities all over the state, if their parents reside in our district, but that they do not actively search for those who need help. They only provide support if requested. I hope these youth have some dedicated case workers involved who are advocating for them since the district doesn't seem to be doing it. I don't now a lot about this issue, but I would like to help to create more collaboration. We have to help ALL chilren/youth, not just the ones in our local schools. One way would be to get the advisory committees involved and help increase awareness in the community about this dilemma. Sharing your excellent blog post is a good start. I'd like to hear some more ideas. Thanks for posting.


Not sure if this posted. Here is a site that has some more information about this topic: Combatting the School-to-Prison Pipeline: http://www.kps4parents.org/blog/?p=737

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