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May 03, 2011


Sandy Alperstein

LOL - way to start the day, Charlie! I love this!

Daunna Minnich

Uh-oh! Lori better move over to make way for her funny man husband!


hahaha I could have used this for myself at a few IEP meetings. This will be put to good use.

Kelli Akers

As a high school process coordinator of special education services, I appreciate the sense of humor you bring to the whole IEP meeting process. However, I am also reminded how important honesty and candor are when teams come together to worth on behalf of students with disabilities. It's a a wonderful thing when the members of the "team" are truly able to come together with mutual trust and a common purpose. I love it when that happens!


An interesting blog post, "... confession is not just good for the soul, your body feels better too!" ;)

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