Caring Technologies announced earlier this year that the United States Air Force has started a program to look into using their technology Behavior Imaging®, a video-based telemedicine application to treat autism and other behavior disabilities.
Behavior Imaging® uses video technology to capture behaviors as they occur in their natural environment, which improves the accuracy of diagnoses and treatments. In the same way that x-rays and MRIs are important tools to visualize physical conditions, Behavior Imaging® provides first-hand, contextual information for better diagnosis and treatment of behavioral disorders. This technology is useful to all, but is particularly so for military families as they are often stationed remotely without specialists and the support required.
Behavior Imaging® can benefit military families by providing care that more effectively meets their needs and is otherwise unavailable at their location. Additionally, the technology can benefit Autism Centers all over the country by lowering the amount of time needed with each patient, allowing more patients to be seen overall while providing a more cost effective use of time and resources. One of the biggest issues that parents of students with disabilities face is behaviors. This new technology will assist parents in identifying behaviors, triggers and ultimately help in creating strategies to alter the behaviors identified.