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February 15, 2010


Stuart D.

A clever idea. Is there anything similar for those of us that have a Windows-based smartphone?


As a speech therapist working in a public school and serving primarily students with Autism, I have faced many legal IEP battles. It is because of statements like this "School districts that would take advantage of unsuspecting parents have been fairly warned that parents are now fully loaded with the law for their next meeting" that make parents untrusting of all school personnel. It is a good reminder to families that we're not ALL BAD..... MOST, if not all, of us working in special education are really working to do what is best for you and your child.

Ed. agreed but parents can come better equipped with this app even with good and well-meaning staff.

Joseph Hromy

Having a IPhone in class for a student with special education needs is so useful. The IPhone can help anyone become more engaged in learning, however how a teacher might be able to monitor what the children have on their IPhones or any smart phone would be the part that will have to be monitored.


As a master's student in special education, many of our courses either deal with or mention the need to collaborate with parents as paramount to the success of a child's educational experience. More often than not parents view educational professionals as adversaries rather than collaborators. This is oftentimes due to a lack of resources - be it time, money, or other resources - that allow educational professionals to address the needs of every child with an IEP. A secondary issue that I have run across is the dearth of parent advocacy and and understanding of a child's educational rights as per IDEA. Having an "App" on the iPhone may be one tool to reach a cohort of parents who may not have other means to understand the legality and other aspects of IEP meetings.

One of the the main topics preached to us in our courses focusing on instructional strategies is differentiated learning and the use of multiple modalities. By using different forms of instruction, teachers are able to make a curriculum as accessible as possible to the maximum number of students (including those with disabilities). Perhaps this can be applied to parents as well? Maybe the iPhone App will serve busier parents who may not have had time to attend meetings, lecture, or read up on the legal nature of IEP meetings and their rights.


, as a newly returned Special Education tecehar and as a parent of a former Special Education student, I have seen and been a part of both sides of the fence. The power struggles are unfortunately part of the at times adversarial system we have created. What is really a power struggle between adults, significantly hurts children and that is what makes me angry that the parents and schools are not the ones that suffer, kids do.Children really only get one shot at getting their education and we the adults need to ensure that we get it right for their sakes. I really believe in the the below saying: It doesn't matter who is right, just that we get it right The students don't deserve anything less. I guess that I am on the kid's side, not the adults.Harold

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