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August 14, 2008



I remember Masamune Shirow mentioning something similar this as how many of the muscles and skin represents the sensation of touch with the cyborgs of Ghost in the Shell, I think it was somewhere in issue 1 or two... the only difference is that he said they also implemented fibre optics as well. This is the kinda stuff I always find cool, from sci-fi to normal sci. Great post!

Tim Moore

Breakthroughs in materials science and increases in miniature processing power will allow for so many advancements in coming years, for the aged, individuals with disabilities, and even the average citizen. If you compare where we were (in a wide sense) one hundred years ago, and then consider the rate of increase in technological advancement as well as the development of whole new technologies (nano-tech), it's quite obvious that people one hundred years from now may actually consider us quite archaic in many ways. I'm a history major (who became a disability claims examiner, go figure), but I've always shied away from romanticizing the past. Despite all the bad, we currently live in the best time ever, and, hopefully, the future will be even better.


Great post! I was looking forward and didn’t expect to see it so soon! Again, great, sound advice. Looking forward to reading more under those new tabs you added!

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