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January 18, 2008



I am curious to know how digitized texts were made available to your son. Was this an accommodation you suggested or did his school district initiate the use of this technology? I think digitized texts would definitely help decrease student reliance on paraprofessionals and foster independence in the classroom. Does your son primarily use this technology at school or home? Thanks so much. Great blog!

Ed. Text is programmed into his AAC device which he uses at school and at home. The need for the device is stated throughout his IEP: goals and accomodations and modifications. Over the years it has become as basic as text books for other students.

I agree that greater independence and better life outcomes would be another benefit of digitized text.


Hi - My son is in 7th grade and uses an Alphasmart in the classroom under Assistive Technology on his IEP. It's a keyboard with a small screen that allows him to type his notes and assignments instead of handwritting them (it's much lighter than a computer). He has difficulty with writing (Auditory, language and visual processing disability).
At first, during last years IEP review meeting, they did not want to include this accommodation. We stayed strong and didn't budge and they eventually included it. In my son's case, I believe the school did not want to include this accommodation because of the expense to the school.

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