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March 08, 2007



What I have learned so far about input statements is to be very clear. Know your stuff. If it's a vision itinerant who is available don't make the mistake of asking for minutes with a vision therapist. The 'school people' will hammer on any mistakes the parents make.


Wow! That second one; whew! I counted up over 7 hours of direct individual therapy per week, not including the private compensatory therapies. It might be just where I am, but that sounds like a lot especially since they are also asking for inclusion and access to the regular curriculum. Doesn't being pulled out for individual therapy compete with the need for access to the regular curriculum?

As a teacher, I'd have no problems with this. As an LEA, it would turn my (remaining) hair white!



Tangentially related but is it permisable for a school to provide other means of accommodations as opposed to ones you specifically request?

There is a current case against a school district on Long Island on this issue:


Jill Holaday

I am looking for the law that states when IEP's begin. In other words, how early can an Annual Review take place in the school year?

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