Social impact/serious gaming apparently is a new movement in the area of "gaming" that should have some very interesting and useful applications for students with special needs. The purpose of the game is to convey some socially important message in the context of a game. One of the "games" that was particularly interesting is called "Job Training Entertech" which is described as follows:
" An online, simulated high-tech company, where students learn job skills as part of a training course. Students move through the virtual Entertech company, encountering virtual co-workers and supervisors, and making decisions involving workplace ethics, teaming and company policies.”
I have many students who I represent that would benefit from such a program and it certainly could be incorporated into the achievement of job-related transition goals; certainly more palatable than flipping through books on vocational training. Moreover, the interactive features at least on a simulated level allows for mistakes to be made and problems solved without real life consequences.
Another similar item is called "Language Tactical" that requires communication with on-screen characters through voice-recognition to accomplish a defined mission. I have many students who I represent that have limited social skills who could use a program like this to refine their language usage to accomplish real life goals as part of speech and transition goals.
There are programs on STDs, asthma, diabetes, physical rehabilitation, and even a biofeedback controlled game. Programs such as these have the potential to not only affirm the experience of those with special needs, but also is a seamless means of raising the awareness of peers to the issues that fellow students with disabilities face everyday.
If serious gaming is the movement that this website and news stories claim, I see other uses for these programs. Becoming a serious game developer could be transition goal in itself for students with special needs. It could also serve as a social bridge between students with special needs and those typical students in school who have the ability to develop these programs. Finally, besides becoming part of transition planning and training, these programs can become part of an overall effort to address disability-awareness in a way that is more accessible to adolescents, in particular.
A serious game is used to refer to software or hardware application developed with game technology and game design principles for a primary purpose entertainment. Serious games used for educational, persuasive, political and health purposes.
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Posted by: Melvin | October 29, 2008 at 12:04 AM