COPAA, the Conference of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, is presenting a conference from March 1-4, 2007, in Baltimore, Maryland which is focused on developments in the law, advocacy training, and strategic approaches to planning under IDEA 2004, among other topics.[Download 2007-copaa-conf.pdf ] Many of the best attorneys and advocates from around the country will be present and presenting at this conference.
I will be attending and many of my collegues who care deeply about special education advocacy will be there. This is the perfect opportunity to take a crash course in advocacy for those who are new to this field (attorneys, advocates and parents), to network, and to learn new skills to be a more effective advocate.
I am an attorney and arbitrator interested in becomming a special education hearing officer. Is their training available? If so, who puts it on?
Posted by: Carl Bosland | February 01, 2007 at 09:55 PM