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January 03, 2007


Denise Bohn

Thank you so much for this website! I spent some time on it today and found some interesting and fun interactive learning activities.


I have been studying the benefits of e-learning and I found this website very helpful when exploring how a teacher can use technology in the classrom with children who have special needs. I will attach the title of the book I am reading, which has a very interesting section on assistive technology (133-146).
Holmes, B. & Gardner, J. (2006). e-learning: Concepts and Practice. London: Sage Publications.
And a link to http://www.sagepub.co.uk/booksProdDesc.nav?prodId=Book227967 and to http://www.brynholmes.com/

Thank you for the new resource, I plan to try some of these tools out in the classroom!

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