There are two reports out from the National Science Foundation on the emerging area of G.R.I.N. technologies although in these reports they are referred to with the less catchy acronym of N.B.I.C. [nano, bio, info, cogno; all endings dropped]. Both reports are in pdf and available for download.
The major themes of the these reports are as follows:
- overall potential of converging technologies;
- expanding human congnition and communication;
- improving human health and physical capabilities;
- enhancing group and societal outcomes;
- unifying science and education
Any one of these idea alone could have huge consequences for many individuals with disabilities. While the claims for these technologies are nothing less than revolutionary, and ultimately they may or may not live up to their billing, it is vital that parents and other interested parties keep abreast of these coming scientific developments. GRIN or if you prefer NBIC may have important benefits for our children in school and in life.
Thank you so much for providing this information. I have just been scanning it, and will go back to certain chapters. It is all very hopeful and exciting and of course, ethically challenging in some respects.
Posted by: Denise Bohn | January 09, 2007 at 09:34 AM