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October 05, 2006


Sandy Alperstein

I love the way your mind works, Lori! Thanks for my morning chuckle - your humor, as always, is right on!!


I work in a school that does not have a resource room option in its continuum of services. Instead there is a pseudo-resource room called "study skills." Only Special Education students attend these "study skills" classes.

But because they are called "study skills" classes instead of resource room there can be as many as 15 students in a class--and are sometimes taught by a teaching assistant. If they call it a resource room they would have to limit the class size to 5 students and staff it with certified teachers. I cannot see how this can be compliant with the new regulations.

Any information regarding this practice and the denial of FAPE would be greatly appreciated.

Sherry Hollis

NY teacher, please go to www.schwablearning.org and in the 'drop down' box it states 'how can we help you?' Click on it and click 'i need to connect with other parents' then on next page click on 'parent to parent message board'
This board has LOTS of informed, caring people who are knowledgable about the laws.

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