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September 29, 2006


Sandy Alperstein

Thank YOU, Charlie, for your informative, creative and often funny blog! Your work helps fuel many of us in our daily struggles!

Amy Cederbaum

What I love about your blog - what you and Lori both write - is that you restore a sense that dealing with all these issues doesn't interfere as much with life as put one in touch with the deepest parts of being alive- even while one feels how terribly difficult it can be to have to surmount over and over so many obstacles. You give so much with these postings you can't imagine.

Daunna Minnich


Michael Fox

Your words come from the heart. I know exactly how Cole feels about you. You inspired me and I have looked to your cues my whole life.
Keep this going.
...Your little brother from NJ!!!!!

Charles Fox

What could be better than hearing from your brother that you are an inspiration.

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