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August 11, 2006


Sandy Alperstein

Lori, as always, your humor hits the mark! Very creative! Thanks for taking a bit of the sting out of the start of the school year!

Being an educator and on the opposite side of the table, what an eye-opener! I didn't know just how much tension and anxiety surrounds an IEP. This article made me want to be even more open and friendly when working with the parents of special-needs children. They have so much on their plate! Cooperation and constant (truthful) communication between all parties seems to be a reoccurring issue. Learning more in my masters class about the IEP process and our special ed personnel, I have to say that I don't envy them at all. Between the laws, forms, and procedures, I'm amazed at the amount of responsibility put on a 4-year college student. I could use another year of just sped training! Thanks to all of the special education personnel, and thanks to patient parents! I know meetings can't always go like clockwork, but hopefully (with the help of articles like these) we can have more compassion and understanding to make the process helpful and about education.
CMC - Sherrard Cohort

Timothy Jones

A brilliant article! Issues mentioned with a twist. I loved it!!


This was cute:) Does anyone have a real list we can use as a first time parent trying to prepare a special needs child for Kindergarten?

School Supply Store

This is a very nice site

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